Welcome to a new series of events: MindCraft!


Who is it for?
English speakers aged 18+. It does not matter where you are from, but we do encourage the use of English for these events to provide a comfortable space to those new to Finland, still studying Finnish, or Finns who want to spend time speaking English with other English speakers.

What are we doing?

Once a month we have the whole house to enjoy various crafts in one of the rooms. You can enjoy the crafts, or simply relax with others, or even by yourself. An idea of things that will have on offer:

The console room with games to enjoy

Colouring in and drawing

Meditation room with soothing music to relax to

Kitchen space with cookies to decorate

A fun puzzle

Uno to play

When is it?

The house will be open from 17.00 - 19.00 (5pm - 7pm) on the following dates:

27 March

24 April

29 May

26 June

How much is it?

Completely free! There is a coffee/tea machine available at 1 euro per drink.

Do I need to sign up?

Just drop in freely without needing to sign up.

Who is running this?

This is being run in partnership between Hyvän Mielen Talo and Belle DreamCatcher of Fairy & Wizard Finland.

Hyvän mielen talo ry i.e. Cheerful House Association is a registered charity and it’s domicile is the City of Oulu. Cheerful House has roughly 700 members, 15 staff members, 80-100 active volunteers and experts by experience. The aim of of the association is to support people with experience of mental health issues and their family members. About 2500 different people are getting support and different services per year. The services are funded by The Finnish Social Ministry’s Support Center for Social and Health Organizations.

Bell moved here about a year ago and is learning Finnish very slowly. She discovered Hyvän Mielen Talo and saw that it was a beautiful space with lots of great activities. She wanted to add options for fellow English speakers who wish to meet others that love wellbeing and creative arts.

I have a question!

Please contact:

Virve Saaranen, virve.saaranen@hyvanmielentalo.fi or 044 334 6143

We look forward to meeting you!